
Our Team Donating Sanitary Pads at Olkaria School in Narok County 2023

Addressing Menstrual Health Challenges in Turkana and Marsabit Counties in Kenya

Our Team Donating Sanitary Pads at Olkaria School in Narok County 2023
Our Team Donating Sanitary Pads at Olkaria School in Narok County 2023

Addressing Menstrual Health Challenges in Turkana and Marsabit Counties in Kenya: A Path to Empowerment and Education

In the remote regions of Turkana and Marsabit counties, many young girls face significant challenges that hinder their education and overall well-being. Among these challenges, the lack of access to sanitary pads stands out as a critical issue that leads to school absenteeism and perpetuates harmful cultural practices. Mental Recovery International is committed to addressing these issues by providing reusable sanitary pads and comprehensive menstrual health education. Our goal is to empower girls, improve school attendance, and foster healthier communities.

The Challenges

 Turkana County: Missing Classes Due to Lack of Sanitary Pads

In Turkana County, many schoolgirls come from impoverished backgrounds and cannot afford sanitary pads. As a result, they miss several days of school each month, which disrupts their education and negatively impacts their academic performance. This situation not only affects their learning but also their confidence and mental health.

 Marsabit County: Period Shame Leading to Early Marriage

In Marsabit County, particularly within the Daasanach community, the situation is even more dire. Cultural norms dictate that girls as young as 12 years old should get married if they experience their first period while still living in their father’s house. This practice is rooted in the stigma and shame associated with menstruation, leading to early marriages and the truncation of these young girls’ educational journeys.

Our Initiative: A Comprehensive Approach

Mental Recovery International aims to bring a permanent solution to these challenges through a multi-faceted initiative:

 1. Providing Reusable Sanitary Pads

By partnering with manufacturers of reusable sanitary pads, we will distribute these essential products to schoolgirls in Turkana and Marsabit counties. Reusable pads are not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly, offering a sustainable solution to the problem. Along with the distribution, we will train girls on how to use and maintain these pads.

 2. Menstrual Health Education

Education is a powerful tool for change. We will develop and distribute educational materials on menstrual health and hygiene, conducting workshops in schools to educate girls. These workshops will cover topics such as menstrual cycle understanding, hygiene practices, and the proper use of reusable pads. Knowledge is empowering, and through education, we aim to reduce the stigma associated with menstruation.

 3. Community Awareness and Engagement

Changing deep-rooted cultural practices requires community involvement. We will organize workshops for parents, elders, and community leaders to educate them about menstrual health and the importance of supporting girls during their periods. By engaging community influencers and leaders, we hope to foster a supportive environment that challenges and eventually changes harmful traditions.

4. Establishing Support Groups

Support groups in schools will provide a safe space for girls to discuss their experiences and receive guidance on menstrual health. These groups will be facilitated by trained teachers and community health workers, offering ongoing education and support. Such groups can also serve as a platform for girls to build their confidence and advocate for their rights.

 Expected Outcomes

Through this initiative, we expect to achieve several positive outcomes:

-Increased School Attendance:

With access to sanitary pads, girls will be able to attend school regularly, reducing absenteeism and improving academic performance.

– Improved Menstrual Health Knowledge:

Girls and the community will gain a better understanding of menstrual health and hygiene, leading to healthier practices and reduced stigma.

– Cultural Change:

By raising awareness and educating the community, we aim to reduce period shame and the harmful practice of early marriage due to menstruation.

– Empowered Girls:

With the necessary support and resources, girls will feel more confident and empowered to pursue their education and personal goals.


Mental Recovery International is dedicated to addressing the menstrual health challenges faced by schoolgirls in Turkana and Marsabit counties. By providing reusable sanitary pads and comprehensive education, we aim to create a lasting impact on these communities. Our initiative will not only improve the lives of individual girls but also contribute to the broader goal of gender equality and community development.

We invite you to join us in this important mission to empower girls and foster a healthier, more equitable future for all.



– UNICEF: Reports on menstrual health and hygiene management in Kenya.
– Girls Not Brides: Information on child marriage in Kenya.
– UNESCO: Data on the impact of menstruation on girls’ education.


Empowering girls and breaking the stigma around menstruation is a crucial step towards a brighter future. Let’s work together to make a difference!

Addressing Menstrual Health Challenges in Turkana and Marsabit Counties in Kenya Read More »

Ms Ikagen Moduka

Ms Ikageng Moduka

Ikageng is a community business-driven entrepreneur and transformation agent with strong passion and ambition for the arts industry. Her passion has propelled her to pursue a qualifications in business management and related programmes amongst others.

Ikageng began her career in the regulation of project and construction management professions and parallel she led the programmes that supported youth and women from disadvantaged backgrounds with approaching life and setting personal goals through drama and heritage workshops.

She now practises as a Production Content Developer for Publik Kreativity Drama Krew and Nkamis Productions whose focus is addressing mental health and trauma issues through theatre. The productions are delivered to communities around South Africa through a variety of event platforms. Our milestone programme is the mental health productions in Correctional Services institutions aimed at preparing inmates for interaction with the new world they should deal with at the end of their terms.

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Zakhele M Makone

Zakhele Mabasa


Mokone is an actor / entertainer born & raised in Alexandra Township. From childhood Zakhele has always been an entertainer. He joined community drama groups from as early as fifteen years old. Dance, Music and drama are performance
repertoires he possesses. Although popularly known for his acting career Zakhele is a solid musician and a musical director. The determination and passion displayed earned Zakhele a promotion to assistant director barely a few years as a performer at Victory Sonqoba.
Over and above being an accomplished all-rounder of a performer, he further diversifies his abilities as a business man. Having interests in multiple companies both as an executive and as a non-executive director. With the role currently played on isibaya came fame, but Zakhele remains a father, a husband & down to mother earth friend he has always been.

PRODUCTIONS [Performed in]:
– Divide & Rule
– Cry the beloved country
– Ushaka at the Market Theatre and the Europe (Actor / Assistant Director)
– Madiba’s Magic
– Guilty Yet Free
– Diphala
– Tastes like strawberries
– Azikhwelwa
– Woza Albert
– 100 ANC centenary celebrations in Mangaung
– One Square Mile (Actor / Co-Director / Co-Producer)
– Show off

– Sasol Health &Wellness Industrial Theatre
– Nedbank Industrial Theatre
– Momentum Industrial Theatre
– Vodacom Marketing Drive
– MTN Industrial Theatre
– Department of Health
– Telkom Industrial Theatre
– SARS Awareness Campaign
– Gauteng Gambling board, Industrial Theatre
– Ritluka Mine, Indutrial Theatre
– Dept of water and Sanitation, Activations

– The South African State Theatre
– The Market Theatre
– Grahamstown Festival
– Taung Mmabana Cultural Centre
– Victory Theatre

– England
– Belgium
– Zimbabwe
– Mocambique
– Swaziland
– Germany
– Holland

International and local Film
– Jerusalem
– Drum
– Twisted
– How to steal 2 million

Rhythm City
Home Affairs

Seasonal Soapies:


-VODACOM Ambassadorship
– Johannesburg Department of Community
-Standard Bank

-Executive Director – Nkami Productions
-Executive Director – Publik Kreativity —
Drama Krew
-Former Director – X-quisite Productions
-Non-Executive Director – Reyakopele —
Trading 91

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Bett Sarisar Elijah

Bett Sarisar Elijah


Bett Sarisar Elijah trained at Maasai Mara University where he pursued Bachelors in Tourism Management.
His career in Non-profit organisations began in 2016 where he worked as the National Secretary-General for Youth & Governance Kenya; an NGO whose primary mandate was to champion for empowerment rights and inclusivity of the young people of Kenya.
Bett later in 2018 joined International Youth Government, an NGO headquartered in Albania where he was appointed as Kenya’s Country Director.

Together with the United Nations Department of Social and Economic Affairs( UNDESA) and Strathmore University School of Law, he led a team which came up with Swahili Version for the Campaign of Protection, Wellbeing and Development of girls, boys and adolescents with disabilities. This is a Global Campaign which was launched by UN SG’s Special Envoy for Accessibility and Disabilities Prof. Maria Soleded in December 2018.

From 2019-date, Mr. Bett is serving as the Executive Director for Mental Recovery International, an NGO whose mandate is to impact the lives of victims of mental illnesses in Kenya.

In his dream to further create more impactful mental health recovery programs in Kenya, he is now leading MRI, local and international partners towards realizing an establishment of MRI Day Center, a dedicated community facility for Substance Use Disorders in Narok County.

Bett Sarisar Elijah Read More »

Rebuilding Lives and Restoring Hope At Septet IDP Camp

Rebuilding Lives and Restoring Hope At Septet IDP Camp



In the heart of Narok South Constituency lies a testament to human resilience and the indomitable spirit of those who have endured unthinkable hardships—the Septet Camp in Sagamian Ward. Home to thousands of internally displaced people (IDPs), this camp tells a story of survival amidst adversity. However, their struggle is not unnoticed. Mental Recovery International (MRI), a beacon of compassion, embarked on a mission to Septet Camp, bringing with them not only essential supplies but also a promise of renewal for the weary souls dwelling within.

Camp Description

Septet Camp is a confluence of makeshift mud shelters and communal spaces, each representing the hopes and dreams of the IDPs who call it home.

Septet Camp is home to more than 2000 families, a staggering number that illustrates the scale of displacement within the region. Among these families are over 5000 children under the age of 18, innocent souls whose lives have been shadowed by the harsh realities of displacement.

Challenges Faced by Septet Camp Residents

The camp setting belies the hardships that IDPs in Septet Camp confront on a daily basis. The challenges they face are multi-faceted and underscore the urgent need for comprehensive support:

  • Inadequate Warm Clothing:    The camp’s chilly environment is compounded by the scarcity of warm clothing, leaving residents vulnerable to health risks associated with exposure to cold.
  • Sanitation Deficiency: A dearth of proper toilet facilities and inadequate access to clean water pose significant health risks to camp inhabitants, amplifying the risk of waterborne diseases.
  • Water Scarcity: The absence of a consistent supply of clean water for both drinking and general use puts residents at the mercy of an essential resource, affecting their overall well-being.
  • Pervasive Poverty: High poverty levels in the camp perpetuate a cycle of economic instability, rendering it challenging for families to escape the grip of destitution.
  • Lack of Land for Cultivation: The absence of arable land robs residents of the opportunity to engage in sustenance agriculture, further exacerbating food insecurity.
  • Unemployment: The scarcity of job opportunities within and around the camp leaves many individuals without a means of livelihood, contributing to the cycle of poverty.
  • Education Disruption: Financial constraints lead to a significant number of children being unable to afford school fees, resulting in disrupted education and thwarted aspirations.
  • Limited Access to Medical Facilities: The absence of medical facilities within the camp leaves residents vulnerable to untreated illnesses and injuries.

In the face of these formidable challenges, the IDPs of Septet Camp demonstrate unwavering courage and strength, embodying the resilience that defines their journey.

A Beacon of Hope: MRI’s Humanitarian Intervention

In the midst of these overwhelming difficulties, Mental Recovery International’s arrival at Septet Camp was akin to a ray of sunshine piercing through stormy clouds. In alignment with its mission, MRI embarked on a multi-faceted intervention that directly addressed the urgent needs of the IDPs.

  • Meeting Basic Needs: MRI’s compassionate efforts encompassed the supply of food, a fundamental necessity that serves as a buffer against hunger. This act alone uplifted spirits and brought a sense of relief to families grappling with food insecurity.
  • Empowering Girls: Recognizing the unique challenges faced by young girls, MRI distributed sanitary pads—a seemingly small gesture that holds profound significance. Empowering over 200 girls with this basic need resonates with the organization’s commitment to the holistic well-being of all.
  • Supporting Families: MRI’s impact extended beyond material aid, as it provided sustenance to over 150 families in the form of food supplies. This act of solidarity underscored the organization’s commitment to standing with the IDPs in their journey toward a better life.


Mental Recovery International’s mission to Septet Camp stands as a testament to the power of empathy, compassion, and unwavering dedication to humanity’s betterment. In the face of adversity, MRI’s interventions have illuminated a path of healing and renewal for the IDPs of Septet Camp. As the echoes of their impact reverberate through the camp, one truth becomes evident: the strength of the human spirit, when met with understanding and support, can overcome even the darkest of challenges. Through our transformative efforts, MRI exemplifies the boundless potential for positive change in the lives of those who need it the most.

Rebuilding Lives and Restoring Hope At Septet IDP Camp Read More »

Donating Sanitary Pads at Olkaria School

Empowering Minds and Nurturing Nature: A Memorable Event at Olkaria Schools





In a remarkable display of compassion and commitment to community welfare, Mental Recovery International (MRI) recently conducted an impactful event at Olkaria Schools, situated in the picturesque Olulunga Ward of Narok South Constituency. Led by the Executive Director Bett Elijah, the event was a true testament to the power of a unified community working together to address the most pressing issues faced by young individuals. As Corretta Scott King once said, “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” The generosity of the MRI team and the participation of the Olkaria Schools community ensured the event’s resounding success, focusing on health, education, empowerment, and environmental conservation.

Menstrual Health and Challenges Faced by Young Girls


Here are some statistics data on menstrual health and challenges facing Kenyan girl child:

  1. 7 out of 10 girls miss up to a week of schooling every month due to their inability to access sanitary pads. This is a major barrier to education for girls, and it can have a lasting impact on their academic achievement and future prospects.
  2.  Many girls in Kenya use cloths, leaves, or even mud to manage their menstrual bleeding. These materials are not sanitary and can lead to infections. They can also be embarrassing and uncomfortable to use, which can make girls feel ashamed of their periods.
  3. There is a lack of awareness about menstrual health and hygiene in Kenya. Many girls do not know about the importance of good menstrual hygiene, and they may not have access to accurate information about menstruation. This can lead to health problems and stigma.
  4.  Menstruation is often stigmatized in Kenya. Girls may be told that they are unclean or impure during their periods, and they may be prohibited from attending school or participating in religious activities. This stigma can make it difficult for girls to manage their periods and can lead to feelings of shame and isolation.

The good news is that there are many organizations working to improve menstrual health and hygiene for girls in Kenya. Mental Recovery International is one such organization, and their work at Olkaria Schools is a great example of the positive impact that can be made.


Donating Sanitary Pads at Olkaria School

Reusable Sanitary Pads Facility

Mental Recovery International intends to put up a facility to manufacture reusable sanitary pads, and this would be a valuable addition to the Kenyan girl child. Reusable pads are a more sustainable and affordable option than disposable pads, and they can help to reduce the stigma associated with menstruation.
This is a vital project that will make a real difference in the lives of girls in Kenya.
The facility will provide a safe and hygienic space for girls to manufacture reusable sanitary pads. This will help to reduce the stigma associated with menstruation and ensure that girls have access to affordable and sustainable menstrual products.
The facility will also provide training for girls on how to manufacture reusable sanitary pads. This will give them the skills they need to start their own businesses or to find employment in the manufacturing sector.
We are appealing to donors and well-wishers to help us make this project a reality. Your donation will help to provide girls with the tools they need to manage their menstrual health with dignity and confidence.

A Multi-Faceted Approach to Empowerment:


The event, spearheaded by MRI, adopted a holistic approach to empowerment by addressing five essential aspects of personal development: health and hygiene, mental health, education, empowerment, and environmental conservation. The team recognized that nurturing young minds requires fostering a harmonious balance between personal well-being and environmental stewardship.

Promoting Health, Hygiene, and Mental Wellness:


One of the primary concerns facing young students is access to proper health and hygiene facilities, which can directly impact their education and overall well-being. MRI stepped forward to bridge this gap by donating sanitary towels to girls, ensuring that they can comfortably continue their education without facing unnecessary barriers. Additionally, crucial training sessions were conducted on health, hygiene, and mental wellness, equipping both girls and boys with essential knowledge for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a positive mindset.

The Power of Education and Empowerment:


Sanitary Pads Donation

Recognizing the potential for transformative change through education, the event focused on empowering the students of Olkaria Schools with knowledge and life skills. Various interactive sessions were held, encouraging the students to explore their passions and talents while also instilling a sense of self-belief and determination. By promoting education and empowerment, the event aimed to ignite a flame of ambition and resilience in every young heart.

Embracing Environmental Conservation:


Planting Trees

A defining feature of the event was the profound commitment to environmental conservation. In collaboration with their partner, Eden Reforestation Project, MRI facilitated the planting of trees, aligning with H.E President William Ruto’s visionary goal of reaching 15 Billion Trees by 2032. By encouraging students to actively participate in tree planting, the event instilled a sense of environmental responsibility and nurtured a love for nature, paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future.

The Gratitude for Warm Hospitality:

• Special thanks to our partner, Eden Reforestation Project, for the tree seedlings donations. Your generous donation of tree seedlings will help to restore the environment and create a more sustainable future for the Olkaria Schools community. We are grateful for your partnership and commitment to environmental conservation.
• Special thanks to the school led by the Headteacher Mr Langat for their warm reception. Your hospitality was truly heartwarming, and we appreciate your willingness to host our event. We are grateful for your support of our work, and we look forward to continuing our partnership in the future.


The event at Olkaria Schools, led by Mental Recovery International, left an indelible mark on the hearts of all participants. By addressing essential aspects of personal development and environmental conservation, the event succeeded in empowering young minds and nurturing nature simultaneously. Through their compassion and dedication, the MRI team, along with Olkaria Schools, showcased the power of collective action and the potential for transformative change when a community comes together for a shared cause. The seeds of inspiration sown during this event are sure to blossom into a brighter, more empowered future for the students of Olkaria Schools and beyond.

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