MRI Day Center

By integrating greenspaces and comprehensive rehabilitation programs, MRI Day Center in Narok County aims to create a nurturing environment that promotes holistic healing and long-term recovery for street children and youth with SUD.

Greenspaces are outdoor areas filled with vegetation such as parks, gardens, and natural reserves. They play a significant role in promoting mental well-being. The Day Center incorporates greenspaces as part of its approach to mental health, offering many benefits.



Mental Recovery International launched a fundraising campaign to establish a dedicated community based mental health facility, “MRI Day Center” that will provide rehabilitation services to street children and youth who are struggling with Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Our aim is to help these individuals overcome addiction, prevent relapse, and enhance their overall quality of life. By empowering them to lead meaningful and productive lives, we can create a brighter and healthier future for this vulnerable population.

Substance Use Disorder is a pressing mental health issue that is on the rise among street children and youth in our communities. The harsh socio-economic challenges faced by many families in Kenya contribute to this problem. 

The project has several key objectives, including early screening and drug abuse treatment services for high-risk street children and youth, particularly those who are orphans. We also focus on harm reduction, detoxification, family and community support, outreach and education, skill development, advocacy and empowerment, as well as aftercare services.


MRI Day Center Structure

SUD Recovery Unit

Empowerment Hub: ( ICT & Digital Skills, Technical & Vocational Skills

Talent Search, Nurturing & Development ( Sports & Arts)

To make this facility a reality, we are seeking help from generous donors, sponsors, and partners who share our vision of rehabilitating these vulnerable individuals. Your kind donations will play a vital role in helping us achieve our goal. We deeply appreciate your support and contribution.


If you would like to participate or partner with us kindly send us an email  via


Other Activities

Environmental Conservation

Climate action for Mental Health is our number one priority to combat devastating impacts of climate change in Kenya. This is in line with the state’s plan to plant 15 billion trees by 2032.

Mental health advocacy, Ending FGM & Early Pregnancies, and environmental conservation

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